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Fake Gurus

 Some good  ways to identify a fake guru?

  • I found a once in lifetime crypto
  • This has made me millions
  • Discover my secrect
  • want to get rich today?
  • Learn from a pro
  • Guy looks like a virgin or a child
  • Shows you a fake chart or data
Fake Guru Buddhist style man with white hair

Many of the fake gurus will tell you things like the above which are a wrong big give away they are not good or smart at it.

Here is the real crypto master they normally don't run a Youtube channel or call themselves a crypto investor they will own big amount of crypto such as like 10% of a shitcoin or so you will not know there name they will only say what they do to family members or close friends in most cases such as one of my mates is  a crytpo this person has no youtube channel or crypto website but has made so many millions so far from it all.

When  it comes to chart data beware a lot of these people will steal it from Google or websites or even pay other crypto investors money to use their charts how you can find out if you can search it on Google it shows up or on Yandex which is better search for images than     Google overall and if the data seems to good to be true it is probably.

Buy my course is often give away someone not good think about it like this if you made big money why would you sell a course for like $100 does that make sense should you not be able to sell it for like $10,000 or more if it made you so much money?

Now that may seem overkill to you but hear me out first I have being a SEO for over 10 years meaning I know all about the fake guru people or area since this has excited before crypto was popular or a real life thing overall a lot of people who have bitcoin now did not buy early they bought like 2 to 5 years or more when the pizza buying event happened to make it show value in real buying form overall.


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