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Ethereum (ETH) Number 2 to Bitcoin

 The currency is for now officially like number 2 for it's value or popular when compared to like Bitcoin it's market value would be £158Billion so very high overall. It is both a cryptocurrency and Blockchain system it is a favorite of the programmers of the world and you can use it for quite a lot of different things such as like NFT if you are into that . The coin value went from £8  in April 2016 to  September 2022 up to like £1300 at the moment meaning it's going to become possibly near Bitcoin value in the near future for why some people are trying to buy into this stable currency to make sure when it's value goes up to like £20,0000 or possibly more so turn many future millionaires from the people who manage to invest into this now or in the near future. Crypto is very much a ever-changing system or game meaning what could work today for this currency could not work tomorrow so if you want to jump into this c...

Crypto bots

 Are these a good or bad idea? The good parts first of all include it can allow you to buy and sell crypto automatic meaning instead of you reading the data every day of the week to watch what's going on the bot should be sent if coded right the data into it so it makes the right buying or selling decision as much as possible for example if the crypto you buy at $20 that means if it goes down to $15 it should not sell it but if it goes up to like $25 then it could sell it  for you then when it does down ahead it rebuys some then resell it when it gets higher again The idea of this is to allow people money buy just using bot which does all the work for you and so you don't have to pay someone a lot of money to manage it all for you plus your bot can't go to sleep meaning it is will not after 16 hours work need to sleep it can work 24/7 for why these became popular in some places so far.


  Why is using this from your app or computer a good idea overall? IT is overall very decent security system behind it all so if you  use it should  not be able to get hacked easy but be aware you need to keep your phone secure as well so if possible have a spare phone just for use with Metamask which you keep locked in somewhere secure like a physical safe in some cases. The point of this is basically the online version of how debit or credit card works instead of buying things in the traditional sense you buy and sell crypto using this software overall never had any complaints or issues with it so far since it runs very smoothly overall and keep all your details for it as secure as possible such as not online records when possible case your system gets hacked try and think about this like how serious you should take protecting your physical cash with regards to using this long term.

Fake Gurus

 Some good  ways to identify a fake guru? I found a once in lifetime crypto This has made me millions Discover my secrect want to get rich today? Learn from a pro Guy looks like a virgin or a child Shows you a fake chart or data Many of the fake gurus will tell you things like the above which are a wrong big give away they are not good or smart at it. Here is the real crypto master they normally don't run a Youtube channel or call themselves a crypto investor they will own big amount of crypto such as like 10% of a shitcoin or so you will not know there name they will only say what they do to family members or close friends in most cases such as one of my mates is  a crytpo this person has no youtube channel or crypto website but has made so many millions so far from it all. When  it comes to chart data beware a lot of these people will steal it from Google or websites or even pay other crypto investors money to u...

Buy and sell ideas

You should when it comes to buying crypto do it when the price is low or at least lower than when you last bought it when possible so when you resell it will make you profit if you are going for the short term gains system to investments overall. When it comes to shitcoins you want if the possible one you can pay like $20 for which will give you a lot of coins for that money so when it goes up to like $0.50 in the near future it will make you a decent amount of money like $10,000 to say max of says $100,000 in the future like 2 to 5 years later on overall. Every person wants to try and invest into the next Bitcoin so if you can find one or two this year which are worth tiny money but if you hold onto them for like 5 to 10 years you could become possibly a millionaire later on in some cases. Be very patient when it comes to investments for crypto never jump when people tell you or you can easy lose...

Are NFT a scam or not?

 Do all of them exist on the blockchain or blockchain system as many people claim? The answer would be not for quite a lot of them in reality are just a image you but of someone website which has no server or website in any relationship to the Blockchain techn so what does this mean from a tech viewpoint? IT means if their website goes offline or they delete you lost all your money I doubt much would happen if you tried to sue them since all they have to do is do a runner or delete there business profile then no way to find them often. A lot of Blockchain can be download for free by just  copy and pasted I a watched a video of a man downloading all the NFT himself so now in theory he owns all the NFT in the world does that sound secure or a good idea to you investment wise? The answer should be no does it make sense for someone to buy a image from like $5 to max of $50 on Fiverr then try and it...

What is the connection between SEO and Crypto people?

 Many people who do SEO short term or long term end up working on crypto sites or their friends as such a lot of people end up doing both of these very often such as someone I know of made bot to buy and sell crypto automatic which can make someone good money without them doing work but remember if it's coded wrong it will be more trouble than it's worth overall. A lot of people who work  online look for other good ways to make money easy or in an efficient way so people making money from two different areas at the same time is very common in the business world it's even recommended by many business pros to having like 3 to five business so if one business fails the other 2 to 4 will save you often.